by heart, 2021

by heart, 2021, digital collage–overlaid imagery of text, rattle made of fragmented painted wooden panel, dental cast, and twine

by heart is composed of a video and a digital collage. The collage is of a handcrafted rattle that is framed by text from art history and medical books. This juxtaposition of images refer to the collision of oral traditions with written knowledge systems as a consequence of colonialism. It highlights the subsequent perception and cultural amnesia of oral traditions.

Video component of by heart is a performance with a rattle crafted from fragments— painted wooden panel, dental cast, and twine. Rhythmic sounds performed with the rattling of dental casts within the sculpture is framed by a wooden structure the panel originally rested on. by heart alludes to oral traditions and the possible forms they could take today.


namar ninur Vinuravangmai (2021-ongoing)


Vessel, 2019